What Treatments do I offer
Predominately Five Elements Acupuncture
Five Elements Acupuncture is a style of acupuncture that follows the seasons of nature.
The Theory is that, the Mind, Body and Spirit are made up of the elements found in nature. Wood Fire, Earth, Metal and Water are the elements that relate to 'functions' within us, if these elements are out of balance, then so are we.
Five Elements acupuncture works to bring the Mind, Body and Spirit into balance, and when we are in balance, we are able to move through symptoms and aliments with more ease.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a technique in traditional East Asian medicine that uses a tool to scrape the skin in long or short strokes, relieving any blockages in energy flowing along the channel. Gua Sha can help move stagnated blood, pooling around inflexible joints.
I use Gua Sha as an adjunctive technique to acupuncture, where it helps support the health of the Body, Mind and Spirit.
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Auricular Acupuncture
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